Post Theatre Collective: THE CLEANERS


Wed-Sat 13-18 / Sun 12-17

- A choreography for seven robot vacuum cleaners and seven performers

This exhibition consists of two theatrical installations based on Post Theatre Collective’s recent performance called The Cleaners directed by David Kozma. The Cleaners that was premiered in Aleksaterin teatteri in 2021 discusses the experiences and societal positions of immigrants who work as cleaners in Finland through documentary theatre and fictional storytelling. The work is centred around invisible stories of the cleaners gathered through interviews, and the choreography is inspired by their work and movements involved in it. The work investigates society’s power structures from their point of view.

The Cleaners is the final part of our trilogy; Invisible Finland directed by David Kozma, which explores whose stories are told in Finnish theatres and who is allowed to be on the stage.

Post Theatre Collective is a platform for collective producing and learning of various art practices in relation to performing arts. The collective produces performances, hosts events and organizes workshops for different audiences. Post Theatre Collective seeks to foster the role of immigrants in Finnish culture and the art scene and organizes READ, a yearly reading drama festival for introducing international plays in Finland.

Working group:
David Kozma, Mara Jelinko, Mikko Lampinen, Eino Antonio, Toni Tikkanen, Pietu Pietiäinen, Lauri Wuolio, Anna Suoninen, Irina Ananeva-Riashchenko, Robert Prokopowicz, Bita Razavi
Performers: Angela Aldebs, Giorgio Convertito, Salla Kozma, Gody Otieno, Njara Rasolo, Yuko Takeda, Anastasia Trizna and seven robot vacuum cleaners
Photo Darina Rodionova